Getting published doesn’t have to be hard - or expensive.

We are two editorial strategists, architectural writers, media historians, and general design world enthusiasts who have worked in the design media for over two decades. We have played nearly every role: journalists being pitched, in-house editorial directors, freelance publicists, and content strategists. 


Over the years, we’ve seen firms of all kinds—small, large, new, established—struggle to figure out how to get their work published. The world of design publishing is often opaque—and, at once ever-changing and fully rule-bound. This guide offers a framework of easy-to-implement action steps to demystify this world and get your work published.

We have broken down what has been purposefully kept as a nebulous and difficult world into approachable, distinct categories: photography, pitching, publication, and post-publication. It is our aim to help you do this work yourself so that you, at a fraction of the cost, have just as much of a shot at publication as the firms that hire incredibly expensive outside publicists.


The Guide

If you're ready to get yourself to the next level, this emailed PDF will tell you exactly how to do it.

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About us

Eva Hagberg and Marianela D’Aprile are writers, strategists, historians, and design thinkers. They have collaboratively and collectively represented a large number of boutique architecture firms, securing long-form features and cover stories in, among others, the New York Times, Wallpaper*, Monocle, Dwell, Dezeen, Interior Design, and Architect. Hagberg is the author of the scholarly monograph When Eero Met His Match, a historical look at the first architectural publicist ever and a theoretical look at the relationship between architecture and the media. D’Aprile is a freelance publicist and writer. They have each published widely. 

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